President's Message: We Have a Great Industry, If We Can Keep It
Recent News 12/18/24 3:24 PM Kenyon Gleason 2 min read
The dust has settled. Elections are over and we know the makeup of Congress and the Presidency for at least the next two years. If the Republicans can work together, and stay together, it’s likely they can get a lot accomplished in the next two years. It’s rare that one party controls the House, Senate and the Presidency. When it happens, things can actually get accomplished in Washington, DC. Whether they will or not, I’ll let you calculate the odds on that one.
What I do believe, is that 2025 is likely going to be interesting. President Trump is moving much quicker this time than he did in 2017 when he stepped into the White House. He’s much further ahead on his agenda, his team and his tactics. I suspect he’s going to come out of the gate swinging on January 20 after he takes the oath of office.
What can and should this industry expect? I’m hearing cautious optimism mostly. No one expects the wild swings in the market for the foreseeable future. It’s simply unlikely anything bad will happen to our industry in the form of legislative action in the next couple years for sure, and probably for the next four. I do believe you’ll continue to see multiple attempts to take away our rights at the state and local level, as well as the court system. So, there will certainly be some bumps in the road and some things we’ll need to fight.
But by and large, I’m anticipating the sales channels to level out to more normal and comparable levels year to year. It should allow us to figure out a more predictable pattern of sales and allow manufacturers, distributors and retailers to be more decisive and educated in what they are doing, and why. It will hopefully give the industry the chance to take a deep breath and focus again on innovation and creativity.
If we seize the opportunity, it could be a good time to think deeper about ways to shore up the flanks, put in place strategies for the future, and hopefully, get ahead of the curve in protecting ourselves against those who will do and say anything to try and put us out of business. In fact, I’m really hoping this will be the case across the board. NASGW is working on a few things to help make this possible and we’re excited about what 2025 and beyond have to offer.
While the election gives us a nice break, we can’t allow ourselves to be lulled into complacency. Americans are fickle and politics is a tricky business, one that can change on the drop of a hat.
At the end of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia back in September of 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government the group had agreed to. Franklin’s response: “A republic, if you can keep it.” A few years later, in 1791, the 2nd Amendment was ratified as one of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution in the Bill of Rights. What Mr. Franklin so aptly noted back then, is still true today, it’s up to us, all of us, to keep the 2nd Amendment and our shooting sports industry strong and thriving. We must never give up and never lose focus.
I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year! I’ll see you at Shot Show in January.
Until next time,
Kenyon Gleason
NASGW President